visuel header reference media et crm

Media and data-driven CRM

Customer Data Platform and Marketing automation for a consistent customer experience.

The need

A hospitality actor wants to ensure the consistency and relevance of its voice during each customer interaction with the brand, across all physical and digital points of contact in Europe.

The main objectives of the program:

  • Build a 360° customer vision by unifying on and off line data
  • Activate the levers of customer knowledge, guests, sleepers and BtoB in order to streamline and improve customer relations
  • Industrialize the execution of omnichannel journeys via scenarios adapted to their travel context and professional and personal reservations
  • Customize all the CRM touchpoints and activators


  • ÷5

    audience creation time

  • x2

    the number of customer attributes available for all countries, by trade

  • +9

    per cart abandonment reminder email sent

visuel media et crm data

The partnership with Velvet was based on the common conviction that an industrialized, fluid and efficient data value chain is a business accelerator.

  • Etoile

    Program management

    We accompanied our client from the valorization of CRM and Media use cases to the industrialization of the data value chain, through the integration of CDP and Imagino Marketing Automation. This includes prioritizing use cases, studying data and flows, specifying use cases and their development, testing and production.

  • Etoile

    Improved value of customer lifecycle

    Customer value was improved through the implementation of recommendations, scenarios  of reactivation of high-value, inactive customers, and re-engagement strategies to retain dissatisfied loyal customers.

  • Etoile

    Real-time online data exploitation

    We supported our client in the integration of real-time data usage scenarios, including personalization of the home page based on the client's profile (business/leisure) and email follow-up for abandoned shopping carts.