
Activated Customer Centricity

Leveraging data for an enhanced customer experience.

The need:

Facing a lack of synergy and significant frustrations in implementing new use cases, this major player in the leisure industry wants to enable more efficient use of data to enhance the customer experience for its various entities.

The main objectives were:

  • Best meet the expectations of the business
  • Ensure the scalability of the solution
  • Optimize deployment and maintenance budgets

The partnership with Velvet is built around the shared belief that a leading customer experience and optimized budgets come from reliable data that is accessible to marketing teams.

  • Etoile

    Evaluation of needs and scenarios

    Our support began with a collaborative phase of inspiration, challenge, structuring, and prioritizing different business use cases to identify the essential features and data for their implementation. On this basis, we were able to propose to our client various technological and architectural scenarios to meet this need for customer centricity: to equip themselves with one or more turnkey solutions on the market or to do all the developments themselves.

  • Etoile

    The choice of the CDP

    After analyzing our various scenarios, the decision was made to implement a CDP at the heart of the MarTech ecosystem. All that remained was to identify which one, and our client chose to rely on our expertise and market knowledge to assist in this choice: establish a precise and effective specification, challenge and evaluate the responses from publishers, and also pace this consultation phase.

  • Etoile

    The deployment of the CDP

    The mutual trust established since the beginning of the collaboration, as well as our deep understanding of the client's context, naturally led them to choose Velvet to integrate and deploy the chosen CDP among its various subsidiaries. This offers them the opportunity to industrialize the implementation of their use cases over time, while enriching the experience and value of their customers.