visuel barometre customer centric

Customer-Centric Transformation Barometer 2022

For three years now, this barometer has allowed us to deeply analyze the transformation of the customer-centric vision of French companies.

In 2019, customer orientation was an ambition present in almost all participants of the first edition of this study. However, action plans were still in their early stages, and companies first had to overcome significant challenges such as improving data quality and breaking down organizational silos.

In 2020, a new milestone was reached. After establishing the foundation of their customer-centric strategy, companies accelerated significantly and gained maturity.

A transformation almost 'forced' during a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the French were kept away from physical stores, intensifying the need to maintain a strong connection between brands and consumers.

This year, EBG and Velvet Consulting are partnering again for the 3rd edition of the 'Customer-Centric Transformation Barometer.' This sectoral study has allowed us to observe an evolution in customer-centric strategies.

Efforts in organization, technology, and measurement are beginning to bear fruit, and concrete actions are multiplying:

  • Personalization of journeys and measurement are the two themes progressing most strongly.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), an increasingly important element in the purchasing act, emerges as a dimension to be integrated into the customer experience.
  • Employee experience is one of the new challenges for companies, in a logic of symmetry between customer and employee considerations.

This barometer was conducted with 145 professionals and includes interviews with employees from various sectors to highlight the specificities of multiple markets.

Transformation Customer Centric 2022


Aurélien Henry - Velvet Consulting CEO

Sophie Ak Gazeau - Marketing, Digital and Business Development Executive at Hammerson France

Thibaut Paulin - Relationship Marketing Manager & Montagne at La Compagnie des Alpes

Loraine Rambour - Marketing & Digital Director at Carrefour Assurance